Multiple Teeth Implants

Multiple Teeth Implant

A dental implant bridge is your best choice when multiple adjacent are missing, cracked, or badly decayed. The bridge consists of multiple crowns fused over a single metal beam. This is attached to two or more sets of implants and abutments.

Unlike other prostheses, implants function similarly to tooth roots. Your bone will fuse to the titanium implants. Because of this, you won’t have to worry about any negative changes to your face due to jaw deterioration.

Also, not only do implants look exactly like real teeth, they offer great functionality. When your jaw heals, you’ll be able to eat your favorite meal with no worries.

Why Choose an Implant Bridge ?

A removable prosthesis, such as a partial denture, accelerates bone resorption. Meaning, since there is no tooth there, your bone level gets lower over time. This often has an aging effect on your face, since your bite is now smaller. This is why people with no teeth tend to look like their face has collapsed. A partial denture, exerts pressure on the teeth it is connected to, and can cause them to loosen.

In contrast, implants anchor your jaw. They reverse bone loss as new bone forms around the titanium screw. Moreover, the metal beam in an implant bridge can withstand much greater pressure when you chew your favorite food. The pressure is distributed across the beam rather than focused on the clasps that hold the partial in place.

Multiple teeth implants are comfortable. They do not come loose when you eat, and there are no messy adhesives to deal with. A dental implant bridge is the superior choice when it comes to prosthetics for multiple teeth.

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